Our Story

In: Category On: Sunday, January 4, 2015 Comment: 0 Hit: 1174

When we decided to have Mian Hua Tang the Shih Tzu, we never could have thought that having a dog could be such a responsibility to make sure that he is healthy and well taken care!

When we began to learn baking and baked my first cookie for my little Mian, he was very exciting run into my kitchen and then sniffing around to where we preparing the cookies. He slowly move closer and closer and finally standing and jumping in front of us and trying to see the cookies that we preparing on the table. He just refused to go out from the kitchen at the whole process when the cookies was baking in the oven! -_-“

We give Mian treats whenever he behave well as a motivation. He just seem to be knowing how to behave when he knew that we going to give him a cookie! But most important we want Mian to be able to enjoy a healthy fresh treats. We started to research the recipes, ideas and most of all making sure the all the ingredients that we need are good quality, safe for the little one to eat. These wonderful cookie treats are bake with our love and care.

As such, we wish to share with you the same healthy and lovely treats that our little one have been enjoying. Please take your time to browse through our range of cookies; we are sure your puppy will love these cookies as much as our little one! Our recent experience with our neighbour’s Coco the Pug that she just love it so much!

Mommy... I want!!!

See! My little Mian was excited when he saw the Pumpkin Stick!!!


Our first customer Snookie the Poodle which is very picky on those food and treats that his master gave him. We are very suprise and happy to see him enjoy the cookie that we bake for him.


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